Camarones A la Criolla (Creole Style Shrimp)


This is a Xiomara appreciation post! Xiomara is my Mami and she's just bomb! I’m still in awe of her every single day. I still don’t know how she worked everyday, raised a little human, and still had time to make dinner and have some what of a social life. Seriously, she did the damn thing and will always be the GOAT! I thank God and her for passing down her killer cooking (and good looking) genes to me everyday lol.

Growing up, I watched my mom breeze through the kitchen every night after a long day of work without even an inkling of stress, frustration or exhaustion on her face. She always made it look so easy. The big shocker, dinner was always ready in 40 minutes tops! Yes, you read that correctly. Seriously, I still don’t know how she did it!

Her secret weapon? Recipes that included fresh ingredients, were quick and easy but did not compromise on flavor. Like this recipe, Camarones al la Criolla. One of my favorites and one that was on rotation for weekly dinners. It was a recipe that consisted of garlic, onions, and peppers- ingredients that were always readily available at our house. This dish always reminds me of home. It reminds me of the star that is my momma and all of her greatness. It’s comforting, delicious, and is packed with so much flavor. This dish is a must try! Once you do, it’ll become your favorite as well. I’m sure of it! A lesson that the simplest of dishes can be just as delicious.

So here’s Xiomara’s Camarones a la Criolla recipe. For days when you want a delicious meal that doesn’t compromise on flavor. Use this dish as is and pair with your favorite side for dinner or use it for empanadas.


  • 1-1.5 lbs of shrimp, peel & deveined with tail off

  • 5 cloves of garlic, finely diced or mashed

  • 1/2 of a red bell pepper, sliced

  • 1/2 of a green bell pepper, sliced

  • 1/2 of a large red onion, sliced

  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of tomato paste

  • Juice of half of a lime

  • 1/4 of a teaspoon of red pepper flakes (optional)

  • Salt to taste

  • 1 tablespoon of oil, for cooking

  • 1/4 of a cup of water


Add oil to pan and heat under medium to high heat. Then, add your garlic and sauté until fragrant.

Next, add in your onions and peppers. Combine and sauté for 2 mins to allow the veggies to cook a bit.

Then, add in your tomato paste and combine. The veggies should be full coated with the tomato paste. Cook for another minute.

Next, add your shrimp, lime juice, red pepper flakes (optional), salt to taste, and 1/4 cup of water to the pan with the tomato paste/veggie mixture. Mix to ensure that all of your ingredients are combined. Cover your pan with a lid and bring the heat down to low to allow for the shrimp to simmer and to create a nice thick sauce. The shrimp will release their own liquids and will create a delicious tomato based sauce in your pan. Cook the shrimp for about 7-10 minutes until the shrimp cook through. Serve & Enjoy!


Serving Suggestions:

  • Steamed White Rice and tostones

  • Use the shrimp as a filling in puff pastry dough or empanada discs

  • Serve on top of tostones, tostone cups, or fritters

  • On top of cheesy grits for brunch


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